Who has the best selection of trowel machines in the Amarillo, Texas area?

Concrete Products PRO is known in the Amarillo, Texas, area for having the best selection of trowel machines offered to concrete contractors. At Concrete Products PRO, a concrete contractor has choices. A concrete contractor will find a great selection of trowel machines and more. Visit with the staff at Concrete Products PRO for all your trowel machine needs.

What is a trowel machine?

A trowel machine is used to finish the concrete pour to the desired look. The trowel power machine has one or a number of blades that rotate on the surface of the concrete. The blades are used to acquire the desired result according to the specifications of the project.

A power trowel is sometimes called a power float. It is a construction machine used to apply a smooth finish to concrete slabs and other larger pours of concrete. When you use a power trowel on freshly poured concrete, the trowel machine moves in a circular direction and squeezes the residual water out of the concrete.

What are the types of power trowel machines?

There are several types of trowel machines. Walk behind trowel machines is where the worker walks behind the trowel machine as it is being used on the concrete. This type of machine has levers that control the speed.

The worker steers the walk behind the trowel machine by applying pressure through the hands. Pressure from one hand moves the machine in one direction. Pressure from the other hand moves the machine in the opposite direction.

A larger trowel machine would be one that the work rides. It could have a cage the work sits inside. Various levers control the speed of the blades and the direction of the machine.

Before using a trowel machine, check the equipment.

Before using a power trowel machine, the worker should have a checklist of items the worker goes through to ensure the machine will work properly before it is placed onto the concrete. All of the fluids should be checked, including the fuel, hydraulic oil, and the water tank.

Air filters need to be checked to ensure a proper mixture of air and fuel is utilized. Most importantly, make sure to check the condition of the arm and blade meets the specifications of the use of the machine.

What type of trowel machine do you use on a specific job?

The rule of thumb on choosing the type or number of trowel machines on a slab is proportionate to the size of the slab being trowled. On a smaller slab, a walk behind might be used. This type of trowel machine is easier to place on the slab than the walk behind trowel machine.

On a larger slab, a riding trowel machine is probably better. Riding trowel machines are a little harder to get on the slab but may have to be used because of the size of the slab. In some cases, when the slab is huge, a combination of the two could be used. This is something that has to be planned out before the concrete is poured.

Meeting with your Concrete Products PRO staff is the best bet to ensure which type of trowel machine would be best for any project. The staff at Concrete Products PRO will help you decide which (or both) types to purchase for your business. Making a long term investment and purchasing a trowel machine from Concrete Products PRO will pay off in the long run.

Concrete Products PRO can assist with all your concrete trowel machine needs.

With all the various types of trowel machines on the market today, choosing the trowel machine for your specific project is important. Just remember that Concrete Products PRO can order any type of trowel machine on the market today and have it delivered directly to you. Call or visit Concrete Products PRO, and we will help you with everything you all of your trowel machine needs.