Purpose of safety glasses.

The purpose of wearing safety glasses is to protect the eyes. Eyes need to be protected on the job from flying objects and chemical mishaps. Downtime from eye injuries is one of the leading factors with workers being injured. Concrete Products PRO can help you understand what type of safety glasses you need on any job.

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports year after year that eye injuries in the workplace account for a large percentage of all injuries on jobs today. Eye injuries are one of the highest risk injuries for construction workers today. The use of safety glasses can reduce or eliminate surface wounds or abrasions to the eye.

Why wear safety glasses?

At most any workplace today, conditions exist where particulates or chemicals can float around and get in workers’ eyes. If something gets in a workers’ eye, it can cause immediate damage and long lasting damage to the eyes.

Wearing safety glasses can reduce the probability of eye damage. UV light exposure is another way to damage the eyes. Safety glasses are the best defense against eye injury. Concrete Products PRO has a wide range of safety glasses for any job setting.

Types of safety glasses.

There are various types of safety glasses. The use of special safety glasses depends on the specifics of the job place. If there are a lot of hazards and chemicals in the workplace, the need for wearing safety glasses is very important. Depending on the types of job hazards on the job will dictate the kind of safety glasses you need.

In the construction industry, there are several types of safety glasses. General safety glasses protect the worker from flying objects. Safety glasses protect the worker from chemical splashes to the eyes. Some glasses protect the eyes from more complex particulates. Contact a Concrete Products PRO service representative to determine the exact type of safety glasses you need for a particular job.

Choosing good Safety Glasses.

The construction of safety glasses varies. The need for a particular type of safety glasses determines the type of safety glasses needed. The Institute (ANSI) has a complete list of guidelines to follow when choosing the correct safety glasses. Depending on the job, you may prefer one type of safety glasses over another.

Some safety glasses have wrap-around protection to protect the worker from objects coming from the side, and some do not have this feature. There may be a situation where a worker needs anti-fog glasses. UV coatings may be necessary for some job situations.

Some workers who do not wear contacts but wear glasses may need safety glasses that cover the prescription glasses they wear. Maybe a worker needs anti-scratch glasses. Many types of situations dictate a particular type of safety glasses. Tascosa Building Supply can always help you decide what kind of safety glasses you will need in any specific job.

Maintenance of safety glasses.

Just like with other types of PPE equipment, proper care of safety glasses will ensure the glasses will do what you need them to do. Make sure workers have clear vision through safety glasses by regularly checking the safety glasses for scratches and cracks. If safety glasses show signs of wearing out or have sustained impact, inspect these glasses on a regular basis to ensure proper eye protection.

Workers should be required to clean safety glasses regularly. This will ensure proper visibility and help prevent mishaps on the job. Also, the storage of safety glasses will help them stay in good shape for the next job. Do not just throw the safety glasses in a toolbox.

Concrete Products PRO can assist with all your safety glasses needs.

With all of the various types of safety glasses available to you today, choosing the correct one is a top priority for preventing injuries on the job. Stop in today and let the experts help you with all of your safety glasses needed for any project.

Personal Protective EquipmentHard HatsSafety GlassesSafety VestsSafety MasksSafety Face ShieldsHearing ProtectionConstruction Clothing
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