Who has the best selection of concrete pliers in the Amarillo, Texas area?

Concrete Products PRO is known in the Amarillo, Texas, area for having the best selection of concrete pliers offered to concrete contractors. At Concrete Products PRO, a concrete contractor has choices. A concrete contractor will find a great selection of concrete pliers and more. Visit with the staff at Concrete Products PRO for all your concrete plier’s needs. 

What are concrete pliers? 

With the many types of pliers on the market today, there are pliers specific to the concrete business to make the job of concrete installation easier and the process more efficient. Some of these pliers are specific to the installation of concrete, and other tools in the general construction industry are used in the installation of concrete. Depending on the project, utilizing the proper tools for installing concrete is essential for workers to use.

What are some pliers specific to the concrete business?

As mentioned above, there are many types of tools and pliers that overlap from the general construction business over to the concrete industry. Using a tool that fits the specific situation for a particular project is essential to the success of any project. However, some tools are more specific to the concrete business and are also used in general construction.

First off, pliers are handheld tools. Pliers help when a worker has to bend something to fit a specific purpose in the construction process. They are also used to hold something and grip it so that work can be done.

Pincers are one type of pliers used in the concrete business. This is a great tool that can be used in many areas of concrete installation. If you are trying to pinch something or cut something, pincers allow the operator to get really close to a surface required when a worker is working with nails, for instance. This tool enables the worker to get really close to the surface and properly work the object next to the surface.

Another type of plier used in the concrete industry is the slip joint plier. These pliers can be used to do many different things with different shapes. For instance, slip joint pliers can hold or bend things like round stock or flat stock. They work well with a loop wire and to remove cotter pins. They can cut soft wire nails. Even though they are not specifically designed to do so, they can also tighten or loosen nuts and bolts. There are many varieties of slip joint pliers, and they have different names, such as lineman’s pliers, tongue and groove pliers, and straight slip joint pliers.

Nippers are another type of plier that is used in the concrete business. Nippers are used a lot when installing rebar that goes into the concrete. Nippers are used to tie wire around rebars. After the wire has been twisted, nippers can be used to cut off the excess wire. Nippers are also helpful for grabbing things and cutting things that are low to the surface. They can also be used to cut or pull nails, staples, and other attachments in a piece of wood. These tools give the worker a lot of leverage in the cutting and pulling process.

How strong are concrete pliers, and how do they leverage?

Concrete pliers are designed to be strong. They are made of harder materials than the object they are intended to cut. Concrete pliers are usually made of steel that has gone through a hardening process.

Most concrete pliers with good leveraging are built with long handles that allow the worker to bend and leverage the object easily. They are designed to grip the object so that the grip and leverage work in conjunction with each other to make the pulling and cutting process easy. They also will have jaws that are made for the specific purpose of being close to the pivot point of the cut. These pliers are made to take less effort and force to use the tool.

Concrete Products PRO can assist with all your concrete plier’s needs.

With all the various types of concrete pliers on the market today, choosing the correct concrete pliers for your specific project is important. Just remember that Concrete Products PRO can order any kind of concrete pliers on the market today and have them delivered directly to you. Call or visit Concrete Products PRO, and we will help you with all of your concrete plier’s needs.